Katahdin Komputer














Aside from upgrades and full scale restorations we can also handle your normal computer repairs, whether software or hardware.

If your burner won't burn, your system has slowed to a crawl, you keep getting swamped with pop-ups or junk on your start menu - give us a call.

Also, if you have "mission critical" systems that you can't afford to have go down on you, call us - we can offer you a service contract to keep you running and to limit your downtime.


Cell: 557-9826

Phone: 557-9826

E-mail: (Quotes or information)  admin@katahdinkomputer.com

              (Billing)                         adopt1@katahdinkomputer.com





The A+ certified professional logo is a registered trademark of CompTIA (the Computing Technology Industry Association). All rights reserved. 


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